Monday, February 17, 2020

Master dissertation proposal (outline)of about 600 words Essay

Master dissertation proposal (outline)of about 600 words - Essay Example The purpose of introducing ICT in education is to enhance the language learning and educational activities of students and support the teaching process by means of computers, internet and the latest technologies. ICT has already become a part and parcel of young kids’ lives. The research will focus on questions like: has introducing ICT concepts at so young an age helped children discover, examine, explain and solve problems, foresee, argue and judge? For primary school children, that is, key stage 1 and 2, do teachers feel their responsibility where to make use of ICT tools to support language learning of the students? Is ICT also helping children with special needs or not? There are a lot of ICT tools available that help children with special needs adapt to their new learning environment which is more efficient and more helpful to them. Do these tools help children who find difficulties such as language hurdles, cultural hurdles, writing trouble (dysgraphia), reading difficu lties (dyslexia), math difficulties (dyscalculia), memorizing difficulties and environmental disadvantages? These issues have inspired me to conduct a research about ICT in CALL for young children. Harriet, Price. The Really Useful Book of ICT in the Early Years. United Kingdom, UK: Routledge, 2008. (This book helps explain the role of ICT in young children’s education especially their language learning process.) Siraj-Blatchford, Irum., & John Siraj-Blatchford. A Guide to Developing the ICT Curriculum for Early Childhood Education. United Kingdom, UK: Trentham Books, 2006. (This book is also a great help in understanding the importance of ICT in CALL in early childhood phases.) Questionnaires and personal interviews with teachers, parents and children will be conducted. I shall visit parents at homes and teachers and children at school. I shall conduct a comparative research based on results received from children

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